Maya Silverman is a 4th year graduate student studying theoretical astro-particle physics. She plays an integral role in Rising Stargirls, which is an astronomy and astrobiology outreach program for middle-school girls from groups traditionally underrepresented in the sciences. Maya worked as the program coordinator for the Rising Stargirls workshop over the summer, and will be…Continue Reading Student Spotlight: Maya Silverman
Category: Student Spotlight
Student Spotlight: Manuel Pasqual Paul
Manuel Pasqual Paul is a 5th year Ph.D. student in Physics and Astronomy and has been the Physics Graduate Caucus (PGC) administrator since his first year at UCI. He led the efforts to revive PGC, solidify its structure, and expand the function and reach of the organization. Outside of PGC, Manuel specializes in Astronomy. He…Continue Reading Student Spotlight: Manuel Pasqual Paul
Student Spotlight: Alvin Garcia
Alvin Garcia is a 5th year Plasma Ph.D. student who was recently awarded the prestigious U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Science Graduate Student Research fellowship (SCGSR) for his work using machine learning to classify plasma wave modes in experimental data produced at the DIII-D National Fusion Facility. Through the fellowship, Alvin is provided…Continue Reading Student Spotlight: Alvin Garcia